
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, known in PAL regions as Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush, is a 2015 action-platform game developed by HAL Laboratory and ... Gameplay · Plot · Development · Reception

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (titled Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush in Europe and Australia) is a platformer Kirby game developed by HAL Laboratory and ...

【現貨】Wii U 日版觸摸!卡比超級彩虹Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

供應中 【現貨】Wii U 日版觸摸!卡比超級彩虹Kirby and the Rainbow Curse. 1/3. $9,999. 【現貨】Wii U 日版觸摸!卡比超級彩虹Kirby and the Rainbow Curse.

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, known as Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush in British English, is the sole Kirby title released for the Wii U in 2015. Story · Gameplay · Characters · Staff

Kirby & The Rainbow Curse - 電動遊戲

評分 3.9 (381) Amazon.com: Kirby & The Rainbow Curse : Nintendo of America: 電動遊戲.

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse - Nintendo Wii U

供應中 評分 3.8 (53) The intuitive drawing mechanic is a spiritual successor to Kirby: Canvas Curse for Nintendo DS that builds on the gameplay and takes it in a new direction.

Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Reviews

評分 73% (72) Kirby and the Rainbow Curse is a beautiful, creative, and fun-loving game that absolutely deserves your time and attention.

Is it worth it to get Kirby and the Rainbow Curse? : rwiiu

Fun game, should have been a 3ds title imo. Personally I prefer Canvas Curse. Reply reply.

Wii U - Kirby and the Rainbow Curse - Gameplay Trailer

Wii U - Kirby and the Rainbow Curse - Gameplay Trailer. 606K views · 10 years ago ...more. Choices for families. Explore simpler, safer ...

Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush Full Gameplay ...

Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush / Kirby and the Rainbow Curse Full Gameplay Walkthrough (Longplay) ▻Longplay Playlist: ...


KirbyandtheRainbowCurse,knowninPALregionsasKirbyandtheRainbowPaintbrush,isa2015action-platformgamedevelopedbyHALLaboratoryand ...Gameplay·Plot·Development·Reception,KirbyandtheRainbowCurse(titledKirbyandtheRainbowPaintbrushinEuropeandAustralia)isaplatformerKirbygamedevelopedbyHALLaboratoryand ...,供應中【現貨】WiiU日版觸摸!卡比超級彩虹KirbyandtheRainbowCurse.1/3.$9,999.【現貨】WiiU日版觸摸!卡...